Monday, October 20, 2008


Lately, i have not been feeling very happy. No doubt at times i laugh, when i hang out with my friends and all. But at the end of the day, something is just missing and i have no idea what is it. Is it stress that's causing me to feel this way? Or is there something that's really missing in my life? I have my dear friends, and they are great. I hang out with them, i laugh bla bla bla, but once i reach home, things are just different.

Sometimes when things get sour, i try to smile to myself. Sometimes by just smilling, as crazy as it sound, does make me feel better. OF course there might be tears running down on your cheeks but you will somehow just feel good after that.

Life is never perfect, which means there are ups and downs. If life is so perfect, then its not life. We should make the best out of it. No matter how painful it is at times, we have to be strong and take it as a challenge. Go on emo-ing cause that's experience. =)

So from now on, when you feel that life sucks, and you rather die and all those crap, think of it this way. If life is always so perfect, and always go the way you want it, wont it be boring? Life would be so predictable, because you'll know, no matter what happens things will go your way. If i had a choice to choose between those 2 types of life, i rather choose the one with challenge. Cause then only, you can learn from your mistakes and be more experienced. In conclusion, life would be much more interesting.

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